
14 de July de 2023

Taoist magic skills

ImageNameDescriptionTraining LevelSkill Level Max
Magic Skill Taoist HealingHealingHeals a single target recovering HP over time.77
Magic Skill Taoist SpiritSwordSpiritSwordIncreases the chance of hitting the target in melee combat.97
Magic Skill Taoist PoisoningPoisoningThrow poison at mobs to weaken them. Use green poison to weaken HP. Use red poison to weaken defense.147
Magic Skill Taoist SoulFireBallSoulFireBallPut power into a scroll and throw it at a mob. The scroll will burst into fire.187
Magic Skill Taoist SummonSkeletonSummonSkeletonSummons a powerful AOE Skeleton, Which will fight side by side with you.197
Magic Skill Taoist HidingHidingCreatures will not be able to spot you for a short moment. Mobs will notice you if you start to move around.207
Magic Skill Taoist MassHidingMassHidingCreatures will not be able to spot you or your party members for a short moment. Mobs will notice you and your party if you start to move around.217
Magic Skill Taoist SoulShieldSoulShieldAmulet Bless the partymembers to strengthen there magic defence.227
Magic Skill Taoist RevelationRevelationYou will be able to read HP of others.237
Magic Skill Taoist BlessedArmourBlessedArmourAmulet Bless the partymemebers to strenghten there defence.257
Magic Skill Taoist EnergyRepulsorEnergyRepulsorConcentrate your energy for one big blast to push away the monsters around you.277
Magic Skill Taoist TrapHexagonTrapHexagonAmulet Trap the monster with this magical power to stop them from moving. Any damages from outside source will allow the monsters to move again.287
Magic Skill Taoist PurificationPurificationHelp others to recover from poisoning and paralysis useing this skill.303
Magic Skill Taoist MassHealingMassHealingHeal all injured players in the specified area by surrounding them with mana.317
Magic Skill Taoist HallucinationHallucinationThe monster will only see hallucination and attack anyone on the way.327
Magic Skill Taoist UltimateEnhancerUltimateEnhancerAbsorb the energy from the surroundings to increase the stats.337
Magic Skill Taoist SummonShinsuSummonShinsuSummons a Shinsu, That will fight side by side with you.357
Magic Skill Taoist ReincarnationReincarnationRevives a dead players.377
Magic Skill Taoist SummonHolyDevaSummonHolyDevaSummon a HolyDeva. This holy spirit will use strong thunder to attack monsters.387
Magic Skill Taoist HealingCircleHealingCircleTreatment area friendly target.397
Magic Skill Taoist CurseCurseReduces mob attacks as Attack Speed, DC,MC,SC).407
Magic Skill Taoist PlaguePlagueDecreases targets MP and inflict target with various debuffs as stun, curse, poison and slow.427
Magic Skill Taoist PoisonCloudPoisonCloudThrow the amulet and a very strong poison cloud will appear in the area.437
Magic Skill Taoist PetEnhancerPetEnhancerStrengthening pets defense and power.457
Magic Skill Taoist EnergyShieldEnergyShieldCreate an enegy shield to heal immediately when attacked by monsters.487
Magic Skill Taoist TaoExplosionTaoExplosionPut power into a scroll and throw it for create a great explosion.497
Magic Skill Taoist SoulSiphonSoulSiphonThrow some explosive and healing amulets.607