General controls
Keys | Description |
Left click | Basic movement (walk, attack, take items). |
Right click | Change direction (click around your position) and run (click away). |
Shift + Left click | Force attack. |
Ctrl + Right click | Inspect another player's equipment. |
Alt + Left click | Skin a creature. |
Double Left click | Use item. |
Command | Parameters | Function |
@ADDINVENTORY | Increases your inventory slot space by 4 (8 on the first time). Requires gold to use. | |
@ADDSTORAGE | Increases your storage slot space by 80. Requires gold to use. | |
@ALLOWGUILD | Enables/Disables the ability to receive guild invitations when unguilded. | |
@ALLOWTRADE | Enables/Disables the ability to receive trade requests. | |
@CLEARPET | Unsummon all pets. | |
@DIE | Kills yourself. | |
@ENABLEGROUPRECALL | Changes recall settings from enabled to disabled and vise versa. (If settings are disabled you will not be recalled by the party leader). | |
@FELLOW | Summon your fellow. | |
@FIND | [PlayerName] | Finds map number and coordinates of the specified player. (Requires ProbeNecklace). |
@GROUPRECALL | Allows group leader to recall the whole group providing players have recall enabled. | |
@GT | Teleport to your guild territory. | |
@HOME | Teleport to BichonWall. | |
@KILLPET | Unsummon your fellow. | |
@LEAVEGUILD | Leaves the current guild you are in. | |
@MOVE | [X_coord] [Y_coord] | Allows you to move to specific coordinates on the players current map. (Requires TeleportRing). |
@PKPOINT | Show PK Points. | |
@RECALLLOVER | Allows you to recall your lover. | |
@RECALLMEMBER | [PlayerName] | Allows you to recall a specific member of group. |
@RIDE | Mounts/Dismounts your ride. | |
@ROLL | Rolls a 6 sided dice and displays the outcome to all group members. | |
@TIME | Gives current server time as output. | |
@TOGGLETRANSFORM | Pauses any active transform effect, turning you back to your normal self until you relog or type the command again. | |
@GATES | [OPEN/CLOSE]* | Opens or closes the gates on an owned conquest map. Only usable by guild owner. Optional Parameter. |
@SERVERTIME | Displays the current server time in UTC. |